Friday 7 March 2014

The Time Trial

Just when you thought the blog was officially dead & buried I have a moment of sheer determination on a Friday afternoon (helped by a large cup of coffee and a stroopwafel- if you don't know what they are just trust me, they're amazing... find a Dutch person to supply you). True to the recent blog pattern I have to first make my excuses: I returned to Vienna after my week in the UK to discover that everyone was sick. Having a sick week was a spring rite of passage I also got to experience. Then I went to the Netherlands (hence the stroopwafels though that wasn't the actual purpose of my trip). Now I'm back. And yes this teaching, support raising, working for TWR combination is still fairly- to use some British understatement- intense.

My biggest spiritual challenge at the moment is still my attitude to what I consider 'my' time. Being the control freak that I am when it comes to time management, I can get easily stressed about this. The feeling that I am not going to get further in my support raising because of the other things going on in life is one I have to battle with fairly often. As a Christian, raising my own salary for the work at TWR I am challenged to trust that God will provide this salary in His own time. That includes trusting that He will provide the time I need to do this. And not just the time to do this but also to do other things in life beyond eating and sleeping. When I actually clear my schedule and find time to be still, I am amazed at how God then gives me the time I need to continue working away on the different projects in my life. As it's Lent, I'm going to try and take a bit more time to be still and to ask again who the better planner is - God or me?   

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