Friday 20 November 2015

Still Panicking, Still Praying

In case you read last Friday’s return to blogging and are wondering how things went with my first presentation – they went very well. By Saturday I felt that quiet confidence again and on Sunday I actually enjoyed sharing what’s new with TWR. Since then I’ve spoken at two more groups and I have another one around the corner. There’s been plenty of answered prayer this week and I’ve even had a couple people decide to start supporting me, which was beyond my expectations at this early stage (massively encouraging!)

If you’re wondering what my day to day looks like, there is still a fair amount of both panic and prayer involved. When I’m not meeting with individual supporters or speaking at groups, I am spending quality time with my computer. I’d love to say that at 9am I am already in the zone, having gone through the latest emails and made an ultra-efficient plan for the day – the people I need the contact, the next presentation to prepare etc. Actually, at nine I am often just starting to read my Bible and pray about the day ahead.

Anyone who raises support will tell you that it is a spiritual battle. Asking other people to fund your work for church naturally brings up all kinds of questions about money and trusting God etc. But I have a feeling that during these times when you’re primary work is sharing with supporters and continuing to raise support, each person has their own little fights to get through. At the moment mine has a lot to do with productivity. I know that I am simply not as productive working alone at home as when I’m in the office with a typical routine. I have to allow time for me to freak out a couple of times during the day and then after praying through the things that I’m worrying about (beyond all reasonable proportion) I get into the flow of things. I can be totally stressing about one small thing and then an hour later really into my work and seeing things fall into place. That is the nature of my support raising beast…

So there is plenty of prayer going on right now and plenty of prayer being answered too. I’m looking forward to a weekend off (no appointments or speaking arrangements) and intrigued as to how I’ll be feeling about things in a week’s time.


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